For over 50 years, Holocaust survivor Cornelia Vertenstein, 92, has taught piano lessons from her home in Colorado, U.S. Every week, through all those years, a parade of children came to her door, books in hand. Although coronavirus has put an end to those visits, Vertenstein would not let it end the lessons, and she most certainly would not let it cancel spring recitals, which took place recently via video conference. "I believe strongly in continuity," Vertenstein said. "My students learn to be persistent in what they are doing. I try to teach them not only how to learn, but how to work." With a challenging childhood presided over by fascism and communism in Romania, she was banned from public school because of her religion. She went to a tiny makeshift school in a basement. "Great minds and achievements came out of that school which taught me that in any situation you can strive, learn, look ahead and have dreams," Vertenstein said.